Sika Level SkimCoat 10 lbs. Smoothing and Finishing Compound
Sika Level SkimCoat is a one-component, easy-to-use, and fast-drying cementitious skim mortar ideal for repairing or reprofiling concrete, approved wood subfloors, and correctly prepared ceramic or quarry tiles before the installation of Sika Level products or final floor coverings. It can be installed as a true featheredge, filling voids and leveling defects up to 1/2 inch (13 mm) in depth.
- Good adhesion to substrates, subfloor, and stable adhesive residue
- Easy to prepare and quick to apply
- Repairs new and renovated old floors
- Rapid setting: receives primers, levelers, adhesives, and coverings without delay
- Excellent standard of finish can be achieved to allow direct application of coverings
- Unlimited MVER (Moisture Vapor Emission Rate)
- Mixing Ratio: 2 qts (1.9 L) of water per bag
- Used to reprofile substrates or subfloor surfaces from feather edge to 1/2 inch (13 mm) prior to applying Sika Level products or floor finishes
- Repair minor defects, holes, cracks, and pre-fill non-moving joints and seams in concrete and wood substrates
- Suitable for use with radiant heating systems
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